Home >> Funded Grants
Here is a sample of BellTower’s recent award-winning grant proposals.
Parks & Recreation Improvement | Florida Department of Environmental Protection–FRDAP & LWCF | $450,000 |
Drainage & Roadway Improvement | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Legislative Appropriation) | $300,000 |
Drainage & Roadway Improvement | Florida Department of Transportation | $400,000 |
Storm Water Pumps and Drainage Improvements | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Legislative Appropriation) | $825,000 |
Stormwater Infrastracture and Water Quality Improvement | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (TMDL) | $400,000 |
Drainage and Roadway Improvement | Florida Small Cities CDBG (Florida Dept. of Economic Opportunity) | $750,000 |
Sanitary Sewer Improvements Planning Phase and Implementation Phase | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (SRF Loan) | $4,900,000 |
Utility Undergrounding - Disaster Mitigation | FEMA - Hazard Mitigation Grant Program | $11,000,000 |
Lift Station & Force Main Rehabilitation | Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Rebuild Florida | $2,813,471 |
Emergency Shelter Renovations | Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Rebuild Florida | $350,000 |
System-wide sewer collection improvements | Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Rebuild Florida | $6,000,000 |
System-wide water transmission improvements | Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Rebuild Florida | $11,700,000 |
Construction of Island Walk Plaza (South Side-Phase II) | Florida Inland Navigation District | $180,000 |
Law Enforcement Support - SRO at Treasure Island | Florida Department of Law Enforcement | $3,341 |
Our Kids Our Treasure Youth Program ($169,256 x 5 years) | The Children's Trust | $846,280 |
Services for Older Adults | Miami-Dade Age Friendly Initiative | $2,500 |
Dog Park | REALTOR Association | $5,000 |
Opioid emergency response | Florida Dept of Health | $3,000 |
Plant street trees | Miami Dade Neat Streets | $11,948 |
Trolley Route Expansion (3 years) | Miami-Dade Transit Planning Organization | $150,000 |
COVID-19 Funding | FDLE - CESF Grant | $59,232 |
Stormwater Improvements | Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Legislative Appropriation) | $200,000 |
Sidewalk/ADA Improvements | Florida Department of Transportation (Legislative Appropriation) | $229,950 |
Tree Planting Project | Miami Dade Neat Streets | $12,100 |
Tree Planting Project | Neat Streets | $44,250 |
Boat Dock at Vogel | Florida Inland Navigation District | $100,000 |
JFK Causeway Study | FDOT - Transportation Planning Organization | $60,000 |
Island Walk Design and Permiting | Florida Inland Navigation District | $425,000 |
Island Walk Plaza Construction (North) | Florida Department of Transportation | $1,000,000 |
Upgrade of Police Reporting System | FDLE - FIBRS Grant | $46,550 |
Officer Health and Wellness | FDLE - Byrne (Direct) | $2,248 |
Officer Health and Wellness | FDLE - Byrne Grant (County) | $2,342 |
TAP - Islandwalk Construction | Florida Department of Transportation | $1,000,000 |
Transit Expansion-CIGP | Florida Department of Transportation | $232,010 |
Treasure Island ADA Sidewalk/Roadway Improvements | Florida Department of Transportation | $150,000 |
Out-of-School Program | Department of Juvenile Justice | $61,500 |
Out-of-School Program 2018-19 | The Children's Trust | $185,636 |
Careers in STEM Camp | The Children's Trust | $135,700 |
Lakes By the Bay Canoe Launch | Florida DEP Land and Water Grant | $200,000 |
SW 100 Avenue Drainage Improvement | Florida Department of Environmental Protection | $374,000 |
Manta Drive Roadway Improvement Project | Florida Department of Transportation | $344,260 |
Saga Bay 1.2 Drainage Improvement | Florida Department of Environmental Protection | $165,000 |
Neat Streets Tree Matching Grant | Miami-Dade County | $7,462 |
Small Cities Lighting Grant | Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services | $86,000 |
Urban Forestry Grant | Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services | $10,000 |
Public Transportation Grant | Florida Department of Transportation | $192,500 |
Cultural Affairs | Miami-Dade County | $5,000 |
Smart Moves TPO | Miami-Dade County | $50,000 |
Bike/Ped Facilities Improvements | Florida Department of Transportation | $360,640 |
Safe Routes to School, Gulfstream Elementary | Florida Department of Transportation | $476,141 |

Founded in 2009, BellTower Consulting Group has assisted nonprofit organizations and municipalities in securing grant funding for youth programs, social services, infrastructure, parks and recreation, arts programming and much more.